
Korbar, Hrvoje | director

Date created: 08.07.2019.
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Hrvoje Korbar (Zagreb, 1995) graduated from the 16th Grammar School and the Pavao Markovac Secondary Music School in Zagreb and earned a degree in theatre directing and radiophony from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. During his studies, he served as assistant to Croatian and international directors working on drama and opera productions, participated in theatre workshops at the Venice Biennale and worked on minor independent productions in collaboration with art organizations Multimedia Hut and RadioTheatre Bajsić&Friends. His direction of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis won special prize for originality at the 27th International Festival of Theatre Schools in Brno, and the production was awarded special prize at the Teatralny Kufar International Festival in Minsk for ‘unique form of performance’.

In 2018 he made his debut at the 69th Dubrovnik Summer Festival as director of a part of the triptych Countdown - at a Wedding with Držić and Nalješković and at the Kerempuh Theatre in Zagreb as director of Simon Bent’s Elling, after which he directed productions at the &TD Theatre in Zagreb, the Marin Držić Theatre in Dubrovnik, the Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin and the Trešnja Theatre in Zagreb, as well as a number of public events (Zagreb’s Open Square Day, Oscar of Knowledge Awards Ceremony), stage readings, classical music concerts and other events. He is also an independent radio author and external associate of the Croatian Radio. His musical documentary Mortua dulce cano won third prize in the category of documentary radio drama at the Prix Marulić Festival in 2018.

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